It Was The 60s, A Decade of Change

Steve at Rockford College

“The 50s were relatively calm and peaceful.
The 60s were just around the corner.
What possibly could change?”
(‘It Was the 50s…I Was a Kid’ blog)

It was a proud moment, being selected to my elementary school’s boys choir to sing ‘I Am The Captain of The Pinafore’ at our 8th grade graduation. But, alas, we were a disaster, while the girls’ choir sailed away on a high note. A terrible way to start the new decade, the 60s, but a harmless lesson in life’s disappointments.

Up next, high school, and that meant the bottom rung for my friends and me, lowly freshmen, looking up at everyone. Upperclassmen garnered all the attention, naturally, even from the sisterhood of  freshman girls. The deck was stacked against us.

We were awkward, shorter than most girls and cursed with pimples from cheek to chin to cheek. Hiding them daily with creams and ointments was further evidence of our adolescent immaturity. But, it was the 60s, we’d grow up fast and our acne phobia would be small bumps compared to what lay ahead.

I ‘owned’ my parents, now that my sister was at college, out-of-state, never to return home, at least permanently. School and marriage were in her immediate future, a pattern I would later follow. But that was light years away in my universe as a young teen.  For now, I was too busy learning to dance to impress a girl I favored. Sounds crazy, but she liked the cha-cha, so why not learn it.  Unfortunately, she liked uniforms better, quit school and waltzed off with some young military officer in a new era of ‘Free Love’, the 60s. I quickly forgot her, but remembered the cha-cha.

The 60s saw a world seemingly unraveling. A Russian president pounded his desk with his shoe at the U.N. and threatened the free world, a Cuban dictator built missile sites aimed at our homeland and an unpopular war erupted in the rice paddies of Southeast Asia, a war that would scar our nation for years. It was a period of turmoil, uncertainty and drama, on a variety of fronts.

Assassinations took the lives of a young president, a civil rights leader and other prominent leaders.  Communities burned and mourned. Soldiers returned home in body bags and colleges were theatres of protest, often violent. Our country was being tested. Me, I was a college student in a midwestern city, away from home for the first time. And I was falling in love with a girl who still shares my life.

It was the 60s and the new norm was anything but normal. Within the decade, I’d gone from clueless to married, got a degree and a teaching job and let my hair grow longer, becoming a nonconformist…like everyone else.  Life was good, so it seemed. Then, one day, I got a letter from my ‘Uncle Sam’. My plans were going to change….

It was the 60s and the music told the story..,

‘Don’t stand in the doorway,
“Don’t block up the hall
“For the times, they are a-changin’”

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Retired in 2013 after 5 years as an elementary school teacher and 40 years as a sales representative to begin anew as a school crossing guard. SMy essays/stories are a way to communicate through the telling of personal experiences. One reader said about my blog stories, "...these are like a cold sip during a marathon run, simple, real life events". Another offered about my blog, “it brings some sense of normalcy not easily found in the modern world.”

16 thoughts on “It Was The 60s, A Decade of Change”

  1. Can’t wait for the next installment !
    One thing , though- can you explain the USA school and college amd university system?
    Eg how many years at primary School , Secondary School ?
    How many years before University?
    What age do students start school – what age do they go to University!
    What age is a Freshman etc
    Your system is different to ours.
    We graduate after doing a first degree.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The Sixties!
    Just back from a war, my youngest son died, my marriage ended. I ended my career with USMC and began again. So right to choose Dylan to bring it together.
    And you did a pretty good job yourself Steve!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jim, Thanks for your comment. Yes, the 60s stand out as one of those decades that significantly impacts lives. Your comment was riveting. Thanks for contributing.


  3. Nicely done, Steve. So sorry for the change in plans… You’re just enough older than us so that the war really had an impact. We got away with just protesting it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Lynda. While ‘it’ was a disruption, I was more fortunate than a lot of guys who actually served in combat. But that’s a story for the 70s…


    1. …and the rumba, the samba, the foxtrot, the waltz and everyone’s favorite, the polka. Pols seem to prefer the tap dance so they can dance around questions. Thank you.


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