So, You Say You’re Irish …

Reposting my story from a year ago. Happy St. Patrick’s Day (2019) to all you who are Irish, even if it’s just for a day…

May your troubles be less,
And your blessing be more.
And nothing but happiness,
Come through your door.
(Irish blessing)

So, you say you’re Irish, at least today you say it. And why not, it’s St. Patrick’s Day, everyone can be Irish.

St. Patrick’s Day is a fun day for all, Irish or not. The ‘wearing of the green’ announces to everyone that you’re either real Irish, or just Irish for the day. You’re showin’ the spirit.

Irish Me

I’ve a little bit of ‘the green’ both in and on me, and enjoying it. The day seems to lift spirits a bit, makes us happy. The bright sunshine adds to the gaiety of parades and parties. Irish music fills the airwaves and Irish dancers jig their way around town, exhibiting the fast moving feet of Irish dance steps.


Foremost, it reminds me of my mother who boasted proudly of her Irish roots. Her mother, my grandmother, emigrated to the States from Ireland in the early 1900’s, no doubt looking for a better life, like many immigrants at that time. The world passed our Statue of Liberty, stopped on our doorstep, asked to come in and were welcomed to be part of the American community.

St. Patrick’s Day brings out a potpourri of politicians to be Irish for the day, maybe hoping it’ll win another voting block to their side. ‘Pols’ are the best chameleons when looking for support, aren’t they?

Bar Night 2

I will toast St. Patrick’s Day with an Irish stout, a Guinness, maybe two, but no more, no corn beef nor cabbage, but, yes, some potatoes, a food staple that’s has a major chapter in Irish history.

“The significance of St. Patrick’s Day is the introduction of Christianity to Ireland” * hundreds of years ago.  Irish history, like most cultures, is replete with times of joy, sadness, struggles and triumphs.  It’s more than just a party day as we celebrate our Irish here in the States and around the world. However, the celebration factor is significant which contributes to the heavy consumption of alcohol and that brings us back to the reveling, doesn’t it.

The White House fountain is spewing green, the Chicago River is dyed green and other celebrations will take place. But, a word of caution. If you must celebrate tonight, take care not to overdo it. When you start to see ‘Irish dogs’, then you’ll know you’ve had too much. And they’re out there, ‘cause everyone can be Irish today.

Irish Dog

(‘Bud’, photo by Diana on Instagram @didimac211)

Happy St. Patrick’s Day


To the Irish and everyone who wishes they were…

*Wickipedia: Saint Patrick’s Day

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Retired in 2013 after 5 years as an elementary school teacher and 40 years as a sales representative to begin anew as a school crossing guard. SMy essays/stories are a way to communicate through the telling of personal experiences. One reader said about my blog stories, "...these are like a cold sip during a marathon run, simple, real life events". Another offered about my blog, “it brings some sense of normalcy not easily found in the modern world.”

19 thoughts on “So, You Say You’re Irish …”

    1. The US does with parades, decorations, songs…and lots of beer. It’s a fun time for those who participate. I used to make green pancakes for the kids’ breakfast. 😊🧤👒🐸☘️🍀🌈💚🇨🇮 Anything green! Haha!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. And top o’ the morn’ to you, Mike !😉

      Now, I’m back to being a little of this and a little of that. 😂

      Looks like a chilly one this morning. Have a great day!




    1. Truthfully, I remember for a moment that I’m 1/4 Irish which gives me some bragging rights on this day, then I fall asleep. But I do like their blessings and I enjoyed ‘River Dance’!😂What about you?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It used to be a huge holiday for me, very big in the area I grew up in. We even used to get the day off of school, going to a Catholic school :-). But this year, extremely low-key. I think I wore green earrings :-).

        Liked by 1 person

  1. My dad always said he was Irish, Dutch and the Devil. He had the last part right but our DNA says we have Irish for sure. The rest of me is German. But on St. Patrick’s day, everyone’s a little Irish if they are a mind to be. My daughter and I went to an Irish pub here yesterday for lunch but the beer waits for tonight at home. The music was fabulous and made want to dance a bit of a gig. Hope you are having a great day as well. Happy ST. Patrick’s Day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Fascinating history, John. Do you know what they did once they settled here? It wasn’t too many years and the Civil War started. Thanks for adding this comment.


      1. Wonderful history. Singer had locations in Central NY but the company has a wonderful history of relocating, involving vital spots in Indiana, Mishawaka, especially. I think you’d find it interesting if you check it out on Wiki. Thanks, John.


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