Love On The Sidewalk…

It happened in a most awkward way, as love is wont to do. A thrown kiss, a wink, a wave and a look of expectation that it would be returned. But I would have none of it.

Alas, my misguided ego momentarily led me to believe that I was the target of the young gentleman’s affection, when, in actuality, I was caught in a crossfire, a crossfire of love, playing out on the sidewalk of my favorite coffee shop in the town center.

But it was over as quickly as it happened. The February breeze carried the romantic gesture past me to the attractive young woman at my back, the target of his affection. Her reply mirrored his, lovingly thrown back. I stepped aside and let it pass, unbroken.

Not a word was spoken between them but it was obvious by their flirtatious comportment, this was unabashed love, love on the sidewalk. And it was on display for anyone to see. I saw it because I’m an observer of people, especially those who blow kisses my way, albeit, inadvertently.

It’s winter in western New York and with that comes a string of cold temperatures and depressing cloudy skies. It can be overbearing. Today, however, the air was warmer, the sun was filling the sky and moods changed. Gaiety filled the air. And there was love, love on the sidewalk.

The humorist in me wanted to ask if the kisses were meant for me, but I bit my tongue and held back. Why spoil a good street performance with a silly annoyance.

Valentine’s Day is upon us. Love sightings will abound. Will you observe them?

Happy Valentine’s Day to lovers everywhere…

Steve #021423

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Retired in 2013 after 5 years as an elementary school teacher and 40 years as a sales representative to begin anew as a school crossing guard. SMy essays/stories are a way to communicate through the telling of personal experiences. One reader said about my blog stories, "...these are like a cold sip during a marathon run, simple, real life events". Another offered about my blog, “it brings some sense of normalcy not easily found in the modern world.”

27 thoughts on “Love On The Sidewalk…”

      1. Ive read it and reread it X times. Very kind of you. Gave me some motivation to write some more. Had a pleasant day today as I trust you did. Starbucks on Valentine’s Day, nice. Goodnight!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. HI Steve, it is a lovely to see a post from you. Your Valentine’s love on the street story is delightful. We don’t do a lot for Valentine’s Day, but I bought chocolate’s for my husband, mom and dad and I also bought my mom the most beautiful red tulips for her garden.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, John. It really happened with one difference. I actually did open my mouth and comment that I thought his kiss was for me, to which the woman replied, ‘whatever suits you’. I just can resist myself, sometimes🥴

      Liked by 2 people

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