The ‘Yellow Jackets’

Morning School Crossing

The ‘Yellow Jackets’ are laser focused, waiting patiently and watching for their quarry, prepared to act. Their instincts are sharp, with keen eyes alerting them to singles or groups entering their territory.

The ‘jackets’ are confident in their mission and blessed with a friendly demeanor. Then, at the right moment, they engage….

“Good morning, kids!”

These are the men and women of the Brighton, NY ‘School Crossing Guard’ team, recognizeable by their bright yellow coats emblazoned with the words, ‘CROSSING GUARD’.

During the school year, they stand at their posts, like buoys in uncertain channels, and manage the crossing of the district’s school children across the busiest intersections and streets in Brighton, to their respective schools. They do it with enthusiasm and grit.

From the students’ early morning trudge to school, to the afternoon scamper home, these extra eyes wait at their spots to ferry kids along, safely.

In frigid winter temperatures, or in the warm fall and wet spring days, the children have a friendly voice greeting them and sending them on their ways,.

And what is one of their rewards? A common refrain from students,

“Thank you, have a nice day.”

How rewarding and exciting is it to hear that from our young people? Very! Brighton should be proud.

When all goes well, these public servants go unnoticed and unheralded. The next time you’re driving by a ‘yellow jacket’, give a honk and a thumbs up, or a wave and a smile. A simple act sends a heart warming message of appreciation to this important link in the safety of our town’s children.

The ‘yellow jackets’ are a proud group. Like other public servants, they show up every day and serve this community well.

Steve Bottcher 041824

To the Brighton, NY school crossing guards and crossing guards, everywhere.

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